Archive | December, 2007

Internet Corporation Listings Service

We have received several calls about faxes sent from Internet Corporation Listings Service. The faxes appear to be an invoice for search engine listing services. These faxes are scams! The invoice format is designed to capture attention from the recipient, who in turn thinks they must submit payment for the service. The fine print on […]


New anti-spam program worth a try. Most anti-spam programs take the form of add-ons to your normal e-mail program or service. And most rely on filtering, the effort to guess, usually imperfectly, which e-mails you receive are spam and which are legitimate. But I’ve been testing an anti-spam system that takes a better approach. It’s […]

Challenge-Response review

“Completely rids your in-box of spam”? “Eliminate almost all junk e-mail messages”? Those sound like the kind of too-good-to-be-true claims you might expect to see in, say, a new piece of junk e-mail. But several Internet providers are making this pitch in all seriousness. They might even succeed, but not without forcing major changes in […]

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